
25th District Community Policing (CAPS) Meetings 2023 - Hermosa

Below is the 2021 Hermosa Beat Meetings Calendar. Click on the images below to access a pdf to download or print.
Hermosa Beats: 21, 22 (Hermosa Park), 23 (Ken-Well Park), 24 (Kelvyn Park), 25, 33, 34, and 35.

Note: Beat 2521 + 2523 are in Senior centers with COVID-19 Restrictions: Face masks required

Beat Facilitator and Co-Facilitator Contact Information:

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Join the HNA Safety Committee


Donate to help build Kelvyn Park’s Nature Playspace and Native Garden

Donate to help build Kelvyn Park’s Nature Playspace and Native Garden

Our goal is to raise $10,000 to purchase gardening supplies, native plants and equipment to build a nature playspace and native garden at our 10 acre Kelvyn Park. Your donation is an investment in the youth and community of Hermosa, Belmont-Cragin and surrounding communities that use our services, bring the community together and have better quality of life for our residents.


Donate Using a Credit Card, Venmo Paypal, Google or Apple Pay


All Donations are Tax Deductable

Share on Social Media!

Help HNA fill our New Office Space!

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association has opened its office and we need your continued support!

Your donation is an investment in the youth and community of Hermosa, Belmont-Cragin and surrounding communities that use our services, bring the community together and have better quality of life for our residents.


Our Story

Read and share our story and our needs.


All Donations are Tax Deductable

Take Our 2021 Safety Survey for Hermosa

Take Our 2021 Safety Survey for Hermosa

The HNA Safety Committee has committed to reaching out to Hermosa residents to better understand experiences and needs for safety and improved neighborhood efforts through responsible policing. Please spend a few minutes to take our survey. It is completely anonymous and all household members are welcome to fill this out. It available in both English + Spanish.

//El Comité de Seguridad de HNA se ha comprometido a llegar a los residentes de Hermosa para comprender mejor las experiencias y necesidades de seguridad y mejorar los esfuerzos del vecindario a través de una vigilancia responsable. Dedique unos minutos a completar nuestra encuesta. Es completamente anónimo y todos los miembros del hogar pueden completarlo. Está disponible en inglés + español.

2020 Recap of HNA Community Outreach Committee Efforts

2020 Was the Year of Community Helpers

With so many challenges Hermosa faced in 2020, the HNA Community Outreach committee had to reimagine many in-person goals to adapt to safety and the heath of our residents. Here is a recap of the collaboration and outreach efforts we initiated and participation to advocate, support and provide resources to maintain our resilience:

Interested? Register to Talk with the HNA

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is seeking energetic neighbors and business owners to help strategize, in our action-based Outreach + Marketing Committee. This committee focuses on engaging with the community in various ways including events, HNA advocacy, volunteering, as well as social media and promotion of Hermosa-focused news.

  • Helpful Skills/Interest But Not Required: Interest in networking, social media, and promotion of virtual and online events either by writing or graphic design.

  • Commitment: 5-10 hours a month. Committee meetings are monthly.

  • Ages: 16+ to 100 (teens can acquire service hours for school requirements)

By scheduling an appointment with a volunteer at the HNA, we spend 30 minutes discussing your interests and ways of volunteering to make a positive impact for our community.

Join the HNA Beautification Committee for Hermosa

Beatification Committee Volunteer Opportunity

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is seeking energetic neighbors and business owners to help strategize in our action-based Beautification Committee. This committee focuses on creating a greener and cleaner Hermosa. Seasonal planting, tree management and advocacy, as well as block and park cleanups.

Helpful Skills/Interest But Not Required

Interest in being outdoors, planning or planting gardens, trees, park advocacy and neighborhood trash cleanups.


2-10 hours a month. Committee meetings are monthly. the 2nd Wednesday of the month. See full calendar for dates.


16+ to 100 (teens can acquire service hours for school requirements)

Interested? Register to Talk with the HNA

By scheduling an appointment with a volunteer at the HNA, we spend 30 minutes discussing your interests and ways of volunteering to make a positive impact for our community.

Join the HNA Community Outreach + Marketing Committee for Hermosa

Community Outreach + Marketing Committee Volunteer Opportunity

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is seeking energetic neighbors and business owners to help strategize, in our action-based Outreach + Marketing Committee. This committee focuses on engaging with the community in various ways including events, HNA advocacy, volunteering, as well as social media and promotion of Hermosa-focused news.

Helpful Skills/Interest But Not Required

Interest in networking, social media, and promotion of virtual and online events either by writing or graphic design.


5-10 hours a month. Committee meetings are monthly.


16+ to 100 (teens can acquire service hours for school requirements)

Interested? Register to Talk with the HNA

By scheduling an appointment with a volunteer at the HNA, we spend 30 minutes discussing your interests and ways of volunteering to make a positive impact for our community.

Join the HNA Fundraising Committee for Hermosa

Fundraising Committee Volunteer Opportunity

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is seeking energetic neighbors and business owners to help strategize, in our action-based Fundraising Committee. This committee is dedicated to donor outreach, whether it be the community members in small donations, as well as corporate donors and grants. Fundraising may take place online through social media, at events or personal phone calls with potential business donors.

Committee meetings are monthly.

Helpful Skills/Interest But Not Required

Interest in networking, social media, and promotion of virtual and online events, as well identifying potential donors, including grants.


5-10 hours a month


16+ to 100 (teens can acquire service hours for school requirements)

Interested? Register to Talk with the HNA

By scheduling an appointment with a volunteer at the HNA, we spend 30 minutes discussing your interests and ways of volunteering to make a positive impact for our community.

Join the HNA Safety Committee for Hermosa

Safety Committee Volunteer Opportunity

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is seeking neighbors to engage in safety, crime and traffic issues that affect our community in our action-based Safety Committee.

Committee meetings are monthly, not including community policing meetings such as CAPS Beat Meetings, Neighborhood Policing Initiatives, ward-related meetings and block club meetings.

By listening and engaging in community, ward and policing activities, committee members take on HNA Safety Committee goal-oriented tasks and initiatives such as reporting and publishing CAPs meetings, promoting ward and community policing engagements and collating crime and traffic data for special interest initiatives.

Helpful Skills/Interest But Not Required

Interest in community policing initiatives, promotion of current outreach programs held by City of Chicago services and outreach to communities, including spanish speakers.


5-10 hours a month


16+ to 100 (teens can acquire service hours for school requirements

Interested? Register to Talk with the HNA

By scheduling an appointment with a volunteer at the HNA, we spend 30 minutes discussing your interests and ways of volunteering to make a positive impact for our community.