Community news

Chicago Job Opportunities: Walk-up Job Fair June 11th in Hermosa, 10am-12pm

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is holding a walk-up job fair for ages 14+. If you are unable to make it, you can view Chicago job leads here.// La Asociación de Vecinos de Hermosa está organizando una feria de trabajo para mayores de 14 años. Si no puede asistir, puede ver las ofertas de trabajo en Chicago aquí.

Job Opportunities // Oportunidades de Trabajo

General + Clerical / Oficinista

Restaurants + Fast Food / Restaurantes + Comida Rápida

Labor + Drivers / Mano de obra + Conductores

Free Help with Renters' Rights + First Time Homebuying / Ayuda gratuita con los derechos de los inquilinos + Compra de vivienda por primera vez

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is proud to offer free help with housing for renters or first-time home buyers. The sessions were held in person at Kelvyn Park Field House (Chicago Park District, 4438 W. Wrightwood) in Hermosa, and on Zoom. Both sessions are open to all Chicagoans.

Hermosa Beautification + Cleanup Committee Meeting Schedule for 2022

Monthly Meeting Schedule // Calendario de Reuniones Mensuales

All meetings occur on the 3rd monday of the month at 7pm. They are currently all remote via Google Meet accessible on any device or phone. Click on the dates for details to join for a specific date. // Todas las reuniones tienen lugar el tercer lunes del mes a las 6:30 pm. Actualmente, todos son remotos a través de Google Meet y se puede acceder a ellos desde cualquier dispositivo o teléfono. Haga clic en las fechas para obtener detalles para unirse a una fecha específica.

2022 Cleanup Schedule for Hermosa

What is the Hermosa Beautification Committee?

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is seeking neighbors to engage in cleanups, planting, and planning of greenspaces in our action-based Beautification Committee.

Committee meetings are monthly, and discuss efforts to keep Hermosa beautiful with green ideas, recruit volunteers for special projects.

//La Asociación de Vecinos de Hermosa está buscando vecinos para participar en la limpieza, plantación y planificación de espacios verdes en nuestro Comité de Embellecimiento basado en acciones.

Las reuniones del comité son mensuales y discuten los esfuerzos para mantener a Hermosa hermosa con ideas ecológicas, reclutan voluntarios para proyectos especiales.

Interested? Register to talk with one of our volunteer coordinators. // ¿Interesado? Regístrese para hablar con uno de nuestros coordinadores de voluntarios.

Hermosa Safety Committee Meeting Schedule for 2022

2022 Safety & Traffic Monthly Meeting Schedule // Calendario de Reuniones Mensuales

Below is the calendar for the monthly HNA Safety Committee meetings. Our monthly Safety Committee meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm and anyone can join to listen in, or participate in the conversation. Here’s the 2022 Hermosa Safety Meeting schedule. Each meeting can be joined by phone and/or online device.

//A continuación se muestra el calendario de las reuniones mensuales del Comité de Seguridad de HNA. Nuestras reuniones mensuales del Comité de Seguridad son el segundo miércoles del mes a 7:00pm y cualquiera puede unirse para escuchar o participar en la conversación. Aquí está el calendario de reuniones de seguridad de Hermosa 2022. Se puede unir a cada reunión por teléfono y/o dispositivo en línea.


2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm














What is the Hermosa Safety Committee?

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association works with block club leaders, community policing advocates and youth groups to improve safety block by block.

//La Asociación de Vecinos de Hermosa trabaja con líderes de clubes de cuadra, defensores de la policía comunitaria y grupos de jóvenes para mejorar la seguridad cuadra por cuadra.

2022 Safety Committee Goals

Can you help us achieve our goals? Contact us to meet with a volunteer coordinator

1.   Identify 10 highest crime blocks in Hermosa

2.  Identify 5 traffic issues (pedestrian hazards, speeding, blowing stop signs/lights, etc)

3. Recruit 10 new block captains

4. Attend or Sponsor 10 community events

5. Attend 15 CAPS meetings, share reports

6. Visit 10 blocks with information about HNA and safety information

Nixon Updates for November / Actualizaciones por Noviembre

November Nixon Updates / Actualizaciones de Noviembre de Nixon

Here are the updates regarding Nixon Elementary playground and safety surrounding the school. // Aquí están las actualizaciones sobre el patio de recreo de Nixon Elementary y la seguridad que rodea a la escuela.

Playground Funding + Timing / Financiamiento del Parque + Tiempo

CPS (Chicago Public Schools) has officially stated they have budgeted $450,000 for the new playground. At the Thursday 11/4 meeting in the Nixon auditorium, they said they would start getting bids “in a few weeks.”

The expected completion timing is spring 2022.

//CPS (Escuelas Públicas de Chicago) ha declarado oficialmente que han presupuestado $ 450,000 para el nuevo patio de recreo. En la reunión del jueves 4 de noviembre en el auditorio de Nixon, dijeron que comenzarían a recibir ofertas "en unas pocas semanas".

La fecha prevista de finalización es la primavera de 2022.

Nixon Safety March - Friday 12:30 - 11/12 // Nixon Marcha por Seguridad - Viernes

Join Nixon Elementary school parents at the school main entrance, students and community members for a march to demand peace and safety in our neighborhood.

//Únase a los padresen la entrada principal de la escuela, estudiantes y miembros de la comunidad de la escuela primaria Nixon en una marcha para exigir paz y seguridad en nuestro vecindario.

See the event video on Facebook Live / Vea el video del evento en Facebook en Vivo

Nixon Local School Council Meetings / Reuniones del Consejo escolar local de Nixon

Local School Council meetings are open to the public. You can join by Zoom. Please see the Nixon website Calendar for login details.

Next Meeting: December 8, Wednesday at 8:15-9:15 am

//Las reuniones del consejo escolar local están abiertas al público. Puede unirse mediante Zoom. Consulte el calendario del sitio web de Nixon para obtener los detalles de inicio de sesión.

Próxima reunión: 8 de diciembre, miércoles a las 8:15-9:15 am

Join the Nixon Community Phone Tree / Únase al árbol telefónico de la comunidad de Nixon

Neighbors on Keeler + Kedvale have started a phone tree so please sign up if you would like to be a part of it.

// Los vecinos de Keeler + Kedvale han comenzado un árbol telefónico, así que regístrese si desea ser parte de él.

Be the Change You Want to See / Se el cambio que quieres ver

There are many volunteer opportunities from the Local School Council, Hermosa Neighborhood Association Safety or Outreach Committees, Block Club Leaders or Phone Tree Participants. Sign up to be the change you want to see in this community. Find out about volunteering.

// Hay muchas oportunidades de ser voluntario sea el Consejo Escolar Local, los Comités de Alcance o Seguridad de la Asociación de Vecinos de Hermosa, los Líderes de Clubes de Bloques o los Participantes del Árbol Telefónico. Regístrese para ser el cambio que desea ver en esta comunidad. Infórmese sobre el voluntariado.

If you are an organization and would like to collaborate with the HNA, please contact us via email:, text: 773-295-7790 , or our social media channels linked at the bottom of our site.

//Si usted es una organización y le gustaría colaborar con la HNA, contáctenos por correo electrónico:, mensaje de texto: 773-295-7790, o nuestros canales de redes sociales vinculados en la parte inferior de nuestro sitio.

Sign up to Support Nixon Elementary // Regístrese para apoyar a Nixon Elementary

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association, in collaboration with the Nixon community, is creating a contact list to update supporters about the playground. We are seeking volunteers and fundraising efforts.
After the news that the playground was set on fire, many community members want to help in healing, rebuilding of the playground, and have discussions on safety issues and concerns.

//La Hermosa Neighborhood Association en colaboración con la comunidad de Nixon, está creando una lista de contactos para actualizar a los partidarios sobre el patio de recreo. Buscamos voluntarios y esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos. Después de la noticia de que el patio de recreo se incendió, muchos miembros de la comunidad quieren ayudar en la curación, la reconstrucción del patio de recreo y conversar sobre cuestiones y preocupaciones de seguridad.

United for Nixon / Unidos por Nixon

In order to hold city agencies accountable, address systemic safety issues and damage from other vandalism at the school, the community needs people power. That’s you!

Please sign up, and let us know if you are able to volunteer (remote or in person). Spanish or bilingual speakers are encouraged to volunteer.

//Para responsabilizar a las agencias de la ciudad, abordar los problemas de seguridad sistémicos y los daños causados por otros actos de vandalismo en la escuela, la comunidad necesita el poder de la comunidad. ¡Ese eres tú!

Regístrese y háganos saber si puede ser voluntario (de forma remota o en persona). Se anima a que los miembres de la communidad o bilngues sean voluntarios.

If you are an organization and would like to collaborate with the HNA, please contact us via email:, text: 773-295-7790 , or our social media channels linked at the bottom of our site.

//Si usted es una organización y le gustaría colaborar con la HNA, contáctenos por correo electrónico:, mensaje de texto: 773-295-7790, o nuestros canales de redes sociales vinculados en la parte inferior de nuestro sitio.

Support: Kelvyn Park Field House up for $1.5 Million Grant from City

The Kelvyn Park field house is in need of repair, and Park Advisory Council President Casey Guerra lead the effort to apply for the Chicago Works Community Challenge that offers $1.5 million to one project in each of 7 regions.

The largest park in Hermosa, Kelvyn Park has been home to the theatre performances, festivals, sports leagues, wedding receptions, seminars, community meetings and events.

There are 3 critical areas of need, and this video shows the extensive damage from water leaking into the auditorium, the limited accessibility for patrons to get into the building and the gymnasium bathrooms that are out of order because of extensive plumbing problems.

Community support is needed, so please fill out this survey by November 12th and help save the field house from further deterioration.


Donate to the Hermosa Beautification Cause

Thank you for signing up to receive a HNA litter sign and helping beautify the community.

If you chose delivery and provided your address we will deliver the sign to your yard and you do not need to be home.

If you chose pickup, the next pickup date is: August 28th from 10am-1pm, 4535 W Armitage at the Stock n’ Sav. To get a reminder about the event, please go here.

These signs are free. We humbly ask for your support in a small donation to offset the costs of the printing, continue our beautification programs and many others to improve the Hermosa community.

Sign up for a Free Lawn Sign


The winner of our lawn sign poll has now been printed and available for pickup or delivery. Please provide details to receive a free lawn sign.

These signs are free. We humbly ask for your support in a small donation to offset the costs of the printing, continue our beautification programs and many others to improve the Hermosa community.

Sign up for a Free Elote / Regístrate para un Elote Gratis

Sign up to receive a free elote coupon at the Kelvyn Park Mercado + Back to School Fair on August 14th Before 12pm.

Pick up your free coupon at our booth on Saturday August 14th at the Kelvyn Park Mercado & Back to School Fair. There will be free school supplies, free health vans, vaccines, vendors & more.
