Meet the Candidates for Board of Directors: Leonardo Giron
Hello! My name is Leonardo Giron. I'm a resident of northern Hermosa, near Kelvyn Park. I have lived in Hermosa for the past 6 years with my girlfriend Evelyn. I'm a lifelong Chicagoan, having grown up in Andersonville and I am a graduate of Amundsen High School. I have been an active member of the HNA for around a year. I helped build planter boxes at Nixon Elementary, helped HNA with its holiday fundraisers and festivals, its brewery tour events, and am currently helping to build the organization's free little libraries. I am now ready to help in a leadership role. I'm the President of the newly formed Kelvyn Park Advisory Council, and have helped with the first two (2) Participatory Budgeting (PB) cycles in the 31st ward, and I believe I could help accomplish more for the community to really improve our quality of life.